Arts Integration Blog

Civilizations integrated art lesson


January 21, 20231 min read

A lot of our third grade social studies core is about understanding civilizations. I learned in my trainings with Scott Flox to start the year discussing the building blocks of civilizations with my students. I continue referring back to these building blocks as the year progresses. A few weeks ago I read the book Westlandia to my students. Then I broke them up into groups to create their own civilization.

I have a list of requirements/questions that I gave to each group. They had to discuss each one and then write about it. When each group finished the writing part of the project they made a visual representation of their civilization to share with the rest of the class. They then presented their civilizations to the class.

Civilizations art integration in social studies.Civilizations art integration in social studies.Civilizations art integration in social studies.

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Heidi Dimmick

Heidi Dimmick is a master teacher who integrates the arts in her third grade classroom. She is a facilitator for the BYU USBE Arts Integration Endorsement. She has presented at multiple teaching events and conferences.

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